The Aetherius Society

Mark listened

Ministers To Be Ordained In The Aetherius Society

• Oct 7, 1984 • Recommended for Members of The Aetherius Society
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In the East, ordained monks and other holy men trace their lineage back in the same way that ordained Ministers, Priests, Bishops in the West trace their lineage.

In Christianity, this is through the apostolic succession going back to St. Peter, who was the founder of the Christian Church.

This “silver thread” is passed on through mystic initiation. Ministers are ordained not for their own benefit, but for the sake of others, so that they can share this power with their congregations.

Master of Yoga Dr. George King was consecrated – directly – by the Apostle Saint Peter, as well as by the Master Jesus, who gave The Twelve Blessings through Dr. King. Dr. King was also a Spiritual Master in his own right.

In this address, Dr. King explains why he decided to ordain new Bishops and start a line of Apostolic Succession so that his ministry would continue.
