Action Is Essential (The Sorter Is Among You)
Service to others, The Aetherius Society • Transmission • Sep 24, 1961 • Beginner FriendlyThis beautiful Cosmic Transmission delivered through Master of Yoga Dr. George King features Mars Sector 6, the Master Aetherius and the Master Jesus, and comprises another stirring call to action for humanity.
If the spiritual truths contained in Mars Sector 6’s appeal were acted upon, we would become beacons of spiritual power!
The Master Aetherius also offers a great promise which can lead us to greater freedom and a more complete awareness of the totality of all things, revealing the deep karmic implications behind the acceptance or the rejection of the great Cosmic Truths. “The Sorter is here among you”, he says!
The wondrous Master of Love, Jesus, then imparts his message to the world and ends with a beautiful prayer we all can use.
But who or what is this Sorter? In the included address that follows the Transmission, Dr. King explains that The Aetherius Society itself is one of these Sorters because of the work that it does which has helped and continues to help so many people on Earth.
Cosmic Transmissions should be treated with great reverence – you are strongly advised to prepare yourself before listening, as described below.