
The New Lord’s Prayer

The Prayer for Spiritual Workers

Important Declaration Of Truth To Terra

Ye Are Gods (Pray For These)

Action Is Essential (The Sorter Is Among You)

Fight Ye The Evil

Become More Useful Humans

Be Sane Ye Men

The New World – Message To America

The First Blessing – They Who Work For Peace

The Second Blessing – The Wise Ones

The Third Blessing – They Who Love

The Fourth Blessing – The Planetary Ones

The Fifth Blessing – The Thanksgivers

The Sixth Blessing – They Who Heal

The Seventh Blessing – The Mother Earth

The Eighth Blessing – The Mighty Sun

The Ninth Blessing – The Supreme Lords Of Karma

The Tenth Blessing – The Galaxy

The Eleventh Blessing – The Supreme Lords Of Creation

The Twelfth Blessing – The Absolute

The Last Blessing – The Master Jesus

The First Freedom – Bravery

The Second Freedom – Love

The Third Freedom – Service

The Fourth Freedom – Enlightenment

The Fifth Freedom – Cosmic Consciousness

The Sixth Freedom – Ascension

The Seventh Freedom – Interplanetary Existence

The Eighth Freedom – Saturnian Existence

The Ninth Freedom – Solar Existence

From Freewill To Freedom

The Master Cog

Meditation For This Age

Gotha Speaks to Earth

Cosmic Missions

Further Revelations Regarding The Importance Of Operation Sunbeam

Revelations About A Psychic Center Of Earth

The Three Saviours Are Here

The Inauguration of Operation Prayer Power on Level Four

Operation Sunbeam Inspires The Galaxy