Given through the mediumship of Dr. George King, The Nine Freedoms is a series of Cosmic Transmissions that contain profound revelations and practical teachings designed to inspire and guide us in our journey through evolution.
Unmatched in its brilliantly concise explanation of the meaning of life – both here on Earth and beyond – this wisdom gives a glimpse of existence beyond the cycle of reincarnation – through Ascension, and then further even than this, to Interplanetary Existence.
Each Freedom is introduced by the Ascended Master Saint Goo-Ling and the Ninth Freedom features a Transmission by the great Avatar known as the Master Jesus.
Solar Existence
The last of The Nine Freedoms is Solar Existence, when the intelligence becomes a part of the mighty Sun itself. Needless to say, this is millions upon millions of lives away – and is a state so advanced as to be beyond our comprehension. Nevertheless, Mars Sector 6 does give us a brilliant and tantalizing glimpse of this exalted state – a state which is the destiny, however distant, of us all.
Spiritual attainment is all about service. And the Sun is the living embodiment of service – giving light, and life, to the whole of the Solar System. Hence, however strange it may seem at first glance, this Freedom does in fact make perfect metaphysical sense.