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The Fourth Blessing – The Planetary Ones

The Fifth Blessing – The Thanksgivers

The Twelve Blessings

The Fourth and Fifth Blessing Lectures – The Planetary Ones and The Thanksgivers

The Sixth Blessing – They Who Heal

The Seventh Blessing – The Mother Earth

The Twelve Blessings

The Sixth and Seventh Blessing Lectures – They Who Heal and The Mother Earth

The Eighth Blessing – The Mighty Sun

The Twelve Blessings

The Eighth Blessing Lecture – The Mighty Sun

The Ninth Blessing – The Supreme Lords Of Karma

The Twelve Blessings

The Ninth Blessing Lecture – The Supreme Lords Of Karma

The Tenth Blessing – The Galaxy

The Twelve Blessings

The Tenth Blessing Lecture – The Galaxy

The Eleventh Blessing – The Supreme Lords Of Creation

The Twelfth Blessing – The Absolute

The Twelve Blessings

The Eleventh and Twelfth Blessing Lectures – The Supreme Lords Of Creation and The Absolute

The Last Blessing – The Master Jesus

The Mother Earth and our future

The Logos Of Earth

The First Freedom – Bravery

The Nine Freedoms

The First Freedom Lecture – Bravery

The Second Freedom – Love

The Nine Freedoms

The Second Freedom Lecture – Love

The Third Freedom – Service

The Nine Freedoms

The Third Freedom Lecture – Service

The Fourth Freedom – Enlightenment

The Nine Freedoms

The Fourth Freedom Lecture – Enlightenment

The Fifth Freedom – Cosmic Consciousness

The Nine Freedoms

The Fifth Freedom Lecture – Cosmic Consciousness

The Sixth Freedom – Ascension

The Nine Freedoms

The Sixth Freedom Lecture – Ascension

The Seventh Freedom – Interplanetary Existence

The Nine Freedoms

The Seventh Freedom Lecture – Interplanetary Existence

The Eighth Freedom – Saturnian Existence

The Nine Freedoms

The Eighth Freedom Lecture – Saturnian Existence

The Ninth Freedom – Solar Existence

The Nine Freedoms

The Ninth Freedom Lecture – Solar Existence

Service to others

Science – Tempered by Love


Control the Vital Life Fluid

UFOs, aliens and their spiritual message

The Four Aspects of Creation

God & the meaning of life

The Seven Dimensions of Creation


Mystic Yoga Breathing

Gotha Speaks to Earth

From Freewill To Freedom

UFOs, aliens and their spiritual message

Physical Space Contact with a Master From Gotha

Cosmic Missions

The Men Who Won Operation Karmalight For You

Cosmic Missions

Operation Sunbeam

Meditation For This Age

The Master Cog

Karma and reincarnation

Life After Death Seminar

UFOs, aliens and their spiritual message

War In Outer Space

The Mother Earth and our future

Importance Of The Transmission Of The Initiation And Of Commemorating July 8th

The Mother Earth and our future

Occult Significance Of Britain Today

Cosmic Missions

Operation Karmalight – Appeal For Unconditional Service

Cosmic Missions

Important Advice To Operation Prayer Power Participants

Service to others

Spiritual Loyalty


You Can Do Anything You Determine

Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth

We Must Work Closer With The Great White Brotherhood

Cosmic Missions

Operation Bluewater Before The Beginning

Unique Service Is Performed For Members On Passing From This Plane Of Existence

Explanation Of Karmic Manipulation Done On Behalf Of Terrestrial Cooperators

Service to others

Cooperation Is Essential

Cosmic Missions

Operation Sunbeam Is Accepted Into The Cosmic Plan

UFOs, aliens and their spiritual message

Answers To Questions Posed In The Past By Members

Cosmic Missions

Transmutation Of Two Centers Of Evil And How This Affected The Spiritual Worker

Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth

Meeting With The Great White Brotherhood

UFOs, aliens and their spiritual message

The Door Of A Cosmic Mystery School Was Opened Unto Us

Cosmic Missions

Operation Prayer Power During A Spiritual Push

Cosmic Missions

Phase 15 Of The Saturn Mission


You Are What You Believe

Cosmic Missions

Further Revelations Regarding The Importance Of Operation Sunbeam

Cosmic Missions

Modern Miracle In Mexico City

Cosmic Missions

Operation Space Magic – The Cosmic Connection

Cosmic Missions

Spiritual Push Dates For 1975 And Operation Sunbeam

Read And Study Your Newsletter Thoroughly

Intuition & psychic powers

How To Protect Yourself From Sleep State Interference

Cosmic Missions

Birthday Of Operation Starlight

Cosmic Missions

The Saturn Mission And Fairseas


Brains Trust – Questions and Answers

Cosmic Missions

Deep Occult Revelations About Operation Starlight

Intuition & psychic powers

How To Use Your Blessed Shape

Operation Sunbeam Inspires The Galaxy

The Inauguration of Operation Prayer Power on Level Four

The Three Saviours Are Here

Revelations About A Psychic Center Of Earth

Watcher In The Night

Cosmic Missions

Fairseas and Other Major Happenings


Metaphysical Questions Answered

UFOs, aliens and their spiritual message

Never Take Truth For Granted

Cosmic Missions

The Great Secret Is Revealed

